05 March 2014

Composite. Inspiration (or lack thereof)...

I've got this idea in mind of a shoot that I want to do, but I can't seem to get the motivation to go and do it... and I need a subject. And a settings. I just, blah. I hate this funk. I miss my creativity.

That's just a practice concept picture using two older photos of mine. Yep. No life, no motivation, no inspiration.

Give me creativity or give me death! Want to try my hand at more composites.

I don't know what is up with me. I'm just not feeling creative in the least. I'm not feeling angsty and depressed. Maybe that's it. My creative juices flow so much more when I am feeling low. I've actually been so happy as of late that I don't know what to do with myself. I've lost my pizzazz! Ha. No, but really... Can't I be happy and have the internal angst that helps me create? No? Well, shit.

Throw some ideas out there. Let my mind catch them. Before I lose it.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh my, thank you! I sure hope so! I'm usually most artistic when I'm sad, actually. It's funny!
