27 February 2014

The Dude Abides

"Learn to just go with it. Breathe. Relax. Let it be..."
This is my mantra as of late. I must remind myself that everything is not under my control, nor should it be. Where I am right now is where I am meant to be. The Universe is in control. Karma is working and the stars are guiding me. Go with the flow.

Picture this:
You start your day with sleeping through your alarm. Shit. Gotta get up quickly and dressed, maybe skip brushing your teeth unintentionally because you're worried that if you're late to work/school/wherever you will be reprimanded. You skip breakfast. You grab a coffee, if you have time. You run out the door completely disheveled and you forget the keys. You have to run back inside for the house/car keys. You forget to lock the door, leaving your home open to anyone. You start your car, you slam on the gas to back out of the driveway. You almost run over your neighbor's cat because you don't look before you back out. You mumble under your breath "f*in' cat". You blame the cat for holding you up for that brief moment. You rush out of your neighborhood and down highway/road to get to work. You cut off someone who is in as much of a hurry as you. You grip the steering wheel tightly and try to rush through a yellow light. The car in front of you runs the light as it turns red. You're stuck at the light, again. The car in front of you gets slammed by a vehicle much larger than itself. Screeching, slamming. That could've been you. They couldn't wait for the light, so they rushed it. They were in as much of a hurry as you were. They won't make it to work on time, that's for sure. They probably won't even make it to work today or the rest of the week. They're waiting for the authorities while you're making the rest of your journey to wherever-it-was-you-were-rushing-to. You make it in once piece, ten-twenty-thirty minutes late. But you're alive.

Chill out, man. Take your time. You caught the red light again? Roll with it. That's the universe telling you to slow down. Don't rush. Don't be stupid.

I'd rather lose my job than my life. Wouldn't you?

"The dude abides, man."


  1. I love this :). This morning Gabe woke me up early...and at first I was annoyed because I went to bed at 2am, but then I remembered there is probably a good reason this happened today, whatever that may be. Thanks for reminding me, too.

    1. No problem! I have to remind myself several times a day - I'm glad I was able to remind someone else!
