17 March 2014

Mommy Date, Horsey Time!

I have been slacking in taking pictures and getting out. I've been so focused on school and making sure I'm not just gluing myself to a screen and ignoring Mar. I actually went out on a mommy date recently and then an actual date with a guy friend. The mommy date was great. The other date wasn't so much. It's been so long since I've been able to hang out with anyone other than Mar. Hanging out with a one year old and my family all the time causes me to speak a certain way. I also don't quite remember how to interact with adults. Apparently that's a problem. I know how to communicate with other parents and especially mommies. Those without children just really don't get it.
So about that mommy date! It was fun and we saw the horses again! I love hanging out with Sarah at semicrunchysarah.blogspot.com. I took some photos of her, her lovely son, and some of the animals on her father-in-law's farm/property.
Here you go!


  1. These all came out super awesome!!! I hope you don't mind me saving them to my laptop! I just can't get over the cute!

    1. Surely! You know to keep watermarks up, so I'm cool with it :)
