20 March 2014

Why anyone with a camera should have a tripod and remote

I have thousands upon thousands of photos of Mar, and unfortunately not very many of me with her. I fully intend to change this, since I now have the ability to take photographs with a remote and tripod. Seriously. They're lifesavers. If you don't have a remote and tripod, go ahead and invest in one.

Why get a tripod and remote?

  • As a single mother and the only person in my family capable of getting composition right, it's necessary
  • My mom will only hold the camera as my human tripod for so long before saying "OK, are we done yet?"
  • The remote enables me to still use my mom has a human tripod, if need be, and still control focus and all that without having to explain what to do. She just holds the camera and I move and do all the work (after adjusting settings, of course!)
  • With a remote, you don't have to run back and forth from your camera to your position and risk messing up your focus. Just point, click, next!
  • A good tripod is pretty sturdy and you don't run the risk of gravity eating up your camera and having to fork out another grand for replacement gear
  • Tripods help with steadying your camera in low-light situations, even if you're not having to leave the camera to hop in frame (the remote reduces camera shake even more, since you're not even touching the camera!)

I'm almost positive I'm missing some reasons and all, but that's fine. You get the gist of it. 

I pledge to be in front of the camera with Mar more often. I'm hiring a photographer friend to document her first birthday for me, so that should help!

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