08 December 2013

Styled Bridal Shoot, Paper Lantern Stories, The Mall, Lip Piercing

Today I helped a friend with a styled bridal shoot and I met my "husband" today. It's really strange feeling married and intimate with a man I just met! It's also very fun! I most definitely would do it again!

Waiting for my "husband" and photographer to show up! Ignore the chapped lips; bad habit of biting them.
Our wonderful photographer! This shoot was for portfolio work, but he and I worked out well, I think! He was very handsome! Sorry if this is blurry, I'm still figuring out the new lens...

We then took a trip to the mall so my sister could get her lip pierced as her birthday present! She's a trooper! Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure if she would stick it out. She flinched at one point and the piercing tech fussed at her, which is good. It made her "put her big girl panties on" as the lady put it. We went to this place called Gypsy Rose in the Jacksonville Mall. It was nice!

Isn't she cute!??!
Just talking to little miss and waiting for my sister to come back from the bathroom

My mom, my hero.

Random mall patrons.

A lip piercing! Yay!

Here are some of the shots my friend got! Links at the bottom to her page.

We kept cracking up during the shoot. It was ridiculous!
We wore the tackiest shoes imaginable because it was rainy! Like my socks!?
Nicole (photographer) made some delicious strawberry shortcake mason jar thingies!
Boy, was he handsome!
Her Facebook page: Paper Lantern Stories

I most definitely would do this again! With him, even. I want to get more comfortable being photographed. I mean, how can I expect someone to feel comfortable with me taking their picture if I'm not comfortable with someone taking my picture? I guess this helps in my little journey of self-love! Oh, by the way, the dress was my wedding dress from when I was married in 2010. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, but the dress fit better today than it did when I wore it before! We had another dress she provided, but it didn't fit well, so we went with my dress. I will fit into the other dress one day, I tell you! It was a 7 and I'm more a 9. It's a work in progress. I'm working on getting back to pre-baby weight/size, if not better. :)


P.S. I found some great Lightroom presets that bring out the beauty in my photos like crazy!
Here: Cole's Classroom Presets from the great Cole's Classroom


  1. Fun! Like this one. YOU look adorable in these photos! Juliana looks cool with new piercing and Marley is my dolly!
